
“Prima oara nu te vor lua in seama, apoi vor rade de tine, apoi vor lupta impotriva ta, apoi vei castiga !” Mahatma Gandhi

"Private Business Club este un proiect unic, asta-i cert. Am incercat din rasputeri sa inteleg toate detaliile dar cred ca de fapt inca nu le-a descoperit nimeni pe toate. Sunt extrem de multe oportunitati si idei si intr-un mod foarte interesant toate se leaga, aproape ca si cum cineva le-ar fi gandit chiar pe toate de la inceput.

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Foreign Trade News

Romania exports cars, transport equipment worth over EUR 7 bn in first 4 months of 2014

Romania exported, in the first four months of this year, cars and transport equipment worth 7.352 billion euros, by 671.3 million euros over the level in the same period of 2013, according to the data centralized by the National Statistics Institute (INS). The imports of cars and transport equipment stood at 6.547 billion euros, by 467.6 million euros higher than those in the period January to April 2013. Thus, a surplus of 804.4 million euros was recorded on this segment.

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-> End of year 2014 is probably one of the hottest periods in energy. Romania and 13 other EU member states, opened the natural gas market and electricity market to competition, so that industrial consumers and households may opt to change the provider of natural gas or electricity, by switching from regulated a price at a negotiated price.

-> Starting 19.05.2014, Private Business Club has a new local branch in PITESTI, 3 Piata Vasile Milea Street, Maya building, 1st Floor.


In the presence of a significant number of members and partners "Private Business Club" has been officially launched. The project is based on the idea of ​​creating a community of people who enjoy a variety of business advantages.

In the presentation gave in the opening event held on the 15th floor of the Piraeus Tower in Bucharest, Mr. Dragos Nichita, founder and coordinator of the project, said: "PBCLUB is based on a unique concept in Romania, consisting of the combination of three elements: the need for cost optimization of any person or entity, appropriateness of extending activity in the financial sector and the desire to obtain additional gains".

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